The advantages of flow monitoring for corners and shop-in-shops

December 10, 2021

As the retail sector becomes increasingly competitive, retailers are constantly looking for ways to improve the performance of their shops. One strategy that has grown in popularity in recent years is the use of people counting and tracking technology for corners and shops-in-shops.

By collecting traffic data, retailers can better understand how customers move through their shops, which areas are most popular and where bottlenecks occur. This data can help retailers optimise their shop layout, merchandise presentation and staffing levels to improve the customer experience and increase sales.

In addition, people counting and tracking technology can also provide retailers with valuable insights into customer behaviour. By tracking customers' movements and actions, retailers can learn which products are most popular, which promotions are most effective and how long customers spend in certain areas of the shop. This information can help retailers make more informed decisions about merchandising, marketing and staffing.

In addition to these benefits, people counting and tracking technology can also help retailers improve the security of their shops. By monitoring customer movements, retailers can detect and respond to suspicious behaviour, reducing the risk of theft and other security incidents.

Key benefits of people flow data collection  

People flow data collection measures the number of visitors, their footfall, the time they spend in the shop and their behaviour. This information enables retailers to:Optimise shop layout according to footfall  Tailor the product and service offering to customers' needs  Measure the impact of promotions and events on shop footfall  Improve the customer experience by by identifying friction points      

Indicators provided by people flow data collection  

People flow data collection provides key indicators for measuring shop performance:Conversion rate: the number of visitors who make a purchase  Abandonment rate: the number of visitors who leave the shop without making a purchase.Visit time: the average time spent in the shop  Retention rate: the number of visitors who return to the shop      

Tracking data collection  

Tracking data collection makes it possible to measure the customer's journey through the shop. Sensors installed in the shop collect data on customer movements, dwell times and busiest areas. This information enables retailers to:Optimise the customer journey based on the busiest areas  Identify customer areas of interest  Measure the effectiveness of product placement based on high footfall areas            

1- Number of visitors, socio-demographic data, groups and capture rates  

2- Customer journey analysis  

3- Measuring product engagement  

4- Multi-site / multi-product / merchandising cross-analysis  

At Technis, we offer an application, Technis Behavior, which enables retailers to collect and analyse data on customer behaviour in their shops. With Behavior, retailers can track traffic, analyse customer movements and actions, and identify opportunities to improve the customer experience and increase sales. We offer practical solutions for corners / shops-in-shops that enable you to better understand the customer journey, measure engagement and drive an entire network of corners across multiple countries to benchmark their performance.  In conclusion, people counting and tracking technology can provide retailers with valuable insights into customer behaviour, helping them to optimise their shop layout, merchandise presentation and staffing levels. With Technis' Behavior application, retailers can take their data analysis to the next level, improving the customer experience and increasing sales.  ‍

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