Connectivity & data

Precise insights with reliable data

Access superior data quality and reduce the costs of your operations thanks to data-driven analyses.

Easy connectivity

Easily connect Technis Spaces to a very wide choice of market-leading sensors.

Confidentiality by design

Technis Spaces is designed to protect your data and guarantee the privacy you need.

Guaranteed data control

Technis Spaces allows you to keep control over how data is used in the platform.

Technis Spaces

An AI-powered platform, for all physical space data, to answer to numerous issues while meeting ROI challenges.

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Easy integration

Technis seamlessly integrates a wide range of market-leading counting sensors.

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Data centralization

Technis Spaces centralizes all of your real-estate data and allows you to access consolidated data.

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Access according to your needs

Via customizable dashboards or via   Technis API, effortlessly access your data and adapt its view to your needs.

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More detailed analyzes

The adaptability and optimal precision of performance indicators will promote the taking of   operational decisions.

The first real-estate data

Technis Spaces is the only data platform relating to spaces that helps you monitor them and understand their use.

Whether it concerns the flow of people, energy expenditure or even environmental health, Technis Spaces integrates sensors of all kinds, providing consolidated and enriched data.

Technis Spaces Platform StructureTechnis platform structure

A hardware heritage

Originally Technis was a company that produced and developed hardware solutions, today this development is carried out by our IntechFloor branch.

Due to the numerous projects carried out with our customers, Technis has naturally developed solutions best suited to the problems we encountered.

This allows us to select the most suitable equipment for our customers, which will prove itself over time and meet the specificities of each customer case.

Our technical partners


People Counting Sensors


Xovis logo


Smart AI Counting Video Analytics


Milesight logo


3D Sensors and Retail Analytics Software


Crosscan logo


Security Solutions and Technologies


Dahua logo


AIoT Solutions and Security Camera Systems


Hikvision logo


Radio Expert and IoT / M2M pioneer


Atim logo


Sensors for Indoor Climate Measurements


Elsys logo


Intelligent People Counting Solution and Technologies


Eurecam logo


Air Quality Mesurement Technologies


Nanosense logo

Bearing Point

BearingPoint is an independent management and technology consulting firm, of European origin and global scope, offering consulting, product and capital services.

BearingPoint logo


A leader in digital product engineering, Nagarro is driving technology-driven business breakthroughs for industry leaders and challengers through agility and innovation.

Nagarro logo

Talk to our team

Do you have a project to digitize your spaces?
Our team is at your disposal

Contact us